How CashJio works?

Just visit before you shop anywhere

Earn Extra Cashback on all your online shopping. It’s simple! Just follow steps mentioned to get extra cashback every time you shop online!

1. Browse

Join / Login to for latest coupons & offers from your favorite online shopping website and save extra on all your shopping.

2. Shop

Now shop from your favorite stores like FlipKart,  Jabong, MakeMyTrip etc. like normally you do. Also apply discount codes to save more!

3. Earn Cashback

Once your order is completed, we track your transaction within 72 hours and add the cashback to your cashjio account & send you an email.

4. Fill Wallet

When you have Rs. 150 or more as ‘Confirmed’ Cashback , you can request payment and we transfer the money to your bank account for free. When you have Rs. 100 or more as ‘Confirmed’ Rewards , you can request payment and we send the Gift voucher to your registered email id.